martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

New format for big Oevents

Several years ago the IOF and other National federations and brand organizations were looking for an Orienteering different formats. Could be OCity Race Euro Tour (OCRET) the newest one with Long Course at urban skyline with a different landscape mixed with classic orienteering in the forest. This is the way of the last weekend event in Bilbao City Race in the way of Spanish Orienteering Federation FEDO.

The different formula was applied on different ways and locations for urban Orienteering PWT Park World Tour (mainly for Elit runners) , MOV Meeting Orienteering Venezia(all kind of runners), OCRET always in different cities all around West Europe.

What are we waiting for get this kind of Oevents only urban orienteering (sprint, middle and long for mat)or anything else discovering cities and new countries for orienteering but not only West Europe all around europe and if we could it around the world?.

In that way WWOP World Wide Orienteering Promotion have got reach all around Europe and even parts of the world giving a travel offer enjoying the Orientering Sport in a touristic way forest and urban oreinteering. This is the oldest way of Opromotion in Spain Started at end 80's and beggining of 90's.

All we have enjoyed with all urban landscapes and river skyline of Bilbao and we have it remember moments with my track and comments [Spanish] and images At MY Photo Gallery or Other Galleries

Do you think is the best format for a multiday event mix urban orienteering with forest orienteering or always we need to separate the different landscapes and distances?